Exporting ThreeJS models on NodeJS issue (solved)

Exporting ThreeJS models on NodeJS issue (solved)
Hello IT community! We’ve been working on some CustomizeMe features for the last days and seized the opportunity to bring additional solutions for the Threejs Library.
Our “threejs-nodejs-exporters” allow you load models and parse ThreeJs data structure and export them to native 3d formats based on NodeJS technology. We removed native browser dependencies and replaced them by substitutes used by NodeJS.
We created the NPM module “threejs-nodejs-exporters”(https://github.com/InjectIT/threejs-nodejs-exporters). Purpose of this module is to allow parse ThreeJs data structure and export them to native 3d formats based on NodeJS technology. We removed native browser dependencies and replaced them by substitutes used by NodeJS.
It’s the first version of the Library so don’t hesitate to stay in touch with us for improvement. We are open for any pull request changes.
You can find the code on our GitHub that we want to invite you on https://github.com/InjectIT/threejs-nodejs-exporters
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